I've been on the trail of The Horn for a good few months now and the day has finally arrived where that journey has reached its destination, their Do It Now EP. In the run up to the EP, I've enjoyed reading a little more about the band's story, from bassist and songwriter Nick True called in multi-instrumentalist Danny Monk in for a studio session to bring back to life Nick's songs from the 80s that he wrote around the time he was in indie band Friends of Gavin (who toured with REM no less!) They added singer and guitarist Jonny Taylor, keyboardist Ed Cox and drummer Alex Moorse to the crew and with that The Horn was born. Since June this year, the band have been releasing their indie-rock and britpop style singles, "Passion", "Always Late", "Power Show" and now "Do It Now". I really love the joyful energy that exudes from this recent single. Those classic oooh's in the background with upbeat drums, hooky guitar lines and the retro touch of those synths just makes me want to turn the volume up loud on this one. I might even be tempted to singalong, but I know I can't pull off the brooding performance of Jonny Taylor with quite the same effect. "Do It Now" a significant milestone that reflects all of this band's hard work.
“Without you always wanting it to, this song gets under the skin like a knife and stays with you for days. But really I think it expresses the frustration, which is perhaps that of not being allowed to do something, waiting in line, or just the sheer impatience of what it is to be a human being on this planet.”